Book of the Month: Spot Goes to Circus by Eric Hill
Friday, December 18, 2020
Spot is so excited to go to the circus that he loses his ball. Follow his journey to try and find it and see all the mischief he gets up to on the way.
Extension Activity: Just like Spot we can explore using balls. Search your home for different kinds of balls and hide the balls amongst cotton wool in a sensory box. Compare the textures and sizes of the different balls.Can you kick cotton wool-like a football? Explore and have fun! Stay tuned for "book of the month"!
How do you prepare your child with pre-writing skill? Let our Hong Kong Kindergarten Specialist give you some pointers. Click here to find out more!
Extension Activity: Just like Spot we can explore using balls. Search your home for different kinds of balls and hide the balls amongst cotton wool in a sensory box. Compare the textures and sizes of the different balls.Can you kick cotton wool-like a football? Explore and have fun! Stay tuned for "book of the month"!
How do you prepare your child with pre-writing skill? Let our Hong Kong Kindergarten Specialist give you some pointers. Click here to find out more!