Book of the month: The cow that loves fruits
Friday, November 22, 2019
奧恩相信愛閱讀是終身學習 的一部分。在一座長滿各種水果的森林裡,住著一隻愛吃水果的牛。某一天晚上,突然颳起一陣冷風,大家都感冒著涼了,為什麼只有愛吃水果的牛沒有生病?
With the flu season on full swing, have your kids gotten the vaccination yet? Vaccination is the primary, important step towards protecting the health of your family. We are here to explain/debunk a few myths about vaccination in this article written by our Hong Kong Playgroup Specialist!
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➡【 Sign up for Acorn Trial Class now!/Acorn 試堂優惠】
With the flu season on full swing, have your kids gotten the vaccination yet? Vaccination is the primary, important step towards protecting the health of your family. We are here to explain/debunk a few myths about vaccination in this article written by our Hong Kong Playgroup Specialist!
➡【Join our Mighty Oaks family!/ 快來加入奧恩大家庭】
➡【 Sign up for Acorn Trial Class now!/Acorn 試堂優惠】