DIY Cold Remedies from Our Mighty Oaks Teachers!
Monday, October 9, 2017
It’s a well known fact that schools can be a hotbed of infection, with kids passing germs and viruses back and forth each week. In Hong Kong, it’s rare to find one school with a full and healthy class with NO runny noses and coughs. Teachers frequently hear parents moan that their child is sick AGAIN this week, having only just gotten over their cold LAST week! Because young children are still developing their immunity to germs and viruses, it’s incredibly common for them to get sick regularly. In fact, it helps to build their immune system, little by little.
And it’s not only the little ones who get sick easily. Parents and teachers are in such close contact with children, particularly pre-schoolers, that medical bills can be high! So what to do about those little sniffles and throat tickles? Who better to ask than those on the front line! In this blog post, we asked our teachers to share their own rescue remedies that help. While we can’t attest to the science behind these concoctions, our teachers swear by them!
KYLIE - Steamed oranges for coughing & itchy throat. Cut the top off the whole orange, put knife in and make the orange juicy, then sprinkle some rock salt on and steam the orange for 20 minutes in bowl, over a hot pan of water. Then eat the orange. This can also be done with a steamed onion (steamed for 30 minutes and drink the onion juice).
SINDY - Salty Lemon 7-Up (served cold) for sore throats - use preserved lemons in salt to prepare the drink, slice and mix with 7-Up. Use in moderation if giving to your little ones!
SHARON - 1. Rub one raw garlic clove on toast at the first sign of a cold. While this won’t make you the most popular person at home, it will stop any bug in its tracks!
2. Have a hot bath with the 2-3 tablespoons of the following mix: 1 cup of Epsom salts, 3 drops each of lavender, eucalyptus and peppermint oil (well blended in a non-reactive dish) and stored in an airtight container. This bath is great for clearing stuffy noses and relaxing the body, so try to go to bed immediately after and let the heat of the bath and the oils do their job on your sinuses.
KIM - 1. Asian Pear with Honey - steam one Asian (Nashi) pear with 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of thinly sliced ginger for 20-25 minutes and eat. 2. Foot massage!
KENNIE - Drink a lot of water and sleep!
LIVIA - For headaches and migraines, try Young Living’s M-Grain essential oil rubbed onto the temples and dab under your nose. https://www.youngliving.com/en_HK/products/m-grain-essential-oil
TEETEE - Drink hot water with preserved kumquats for sore throats.
AMMIE - Have a hot bath or do a steam tent with Vicks to clear your sinuses. Drink soups and hot drinks - tomato soup and hot chocolate are my favourites! Put lavender oil on your pillow to help you sleep.
CHRISTINE - Plenty of water, sometimes with a bit of honey. Essential oils and Baby Vicks on the soles of the feet for stuffy noses before bed.
CELINE - Because I can’t cook, I just drink more water. Warm water, or water with honey in.
IRIS - Have a hot shower and sleep straight away. I also go for gentle massages when I feel run down.
What are your remedies when the bug strikes?
Mighty Oaks Club’s October event focuses on Chinese preventative medicine/soups 101 for your little ones. With the flu season and winter upon us, learn how to make nutritional and medicinal soups and teas for your children in this popular seminar. Renowned author of a best-selling book series “Chinese Healing Soups 1 & 2”, Cinci Leung (Cinci EC) shares her insights and knowledge of how simple adjustments in your daily diet can help maintain your health.
Cinci is a registered Chinese medicine practitioner in Hong Kong and the founder of CheckCheckCin, and is a graduate from Pepperdine University (BA in Business Administration), the University of Hong Kong (BA in Chinese Medicine) as well as the Chinese University of Hong Kong (MSc in Acupuncture).
Date: Saturday, 21 October 2017
Time: 1:30pm – 3:00pm
Fees: $150 / person
Language: Cantonese
*First 30 people to sign up will receive @Cinci EC’s latest book “Chinese Healing Soups 3”
If you’re interested in more exciting sensory activities to do with your child at home, subscribe to Hong Kong Kindergarten: Mighty Oaks idea of the month Youtube channel.
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And it’s not only the little ones who get sick easily. Parents and teachers are in such close contact with children, particularly pre-schoolers, that medical bills can be high! So what to do about those little sniffles and throat tickles? Who better to ask than those on the front line! In this blog post, we asked our teachers to share their own rescue remedies that help. While we can’t attest to the science behind these concoctions, our teachers swear by them!
KYLIE - Steamed oranges for coughing & itchy throat. Cut the top off the whole orange, put knife in and make the orange juicy, then sprinkle some rock salt on and steam the orange for 20 minutes in bowl, over a hot pan of water. Then eat the orange. This can also be done with a steamed onion (steamed for 30 minutes and drink the onion juice).
SINDY - Salty Lemon 7-Up (served cold) for sore throats - use preserved lemons in salt to prepare the drink, slice and mix with 7-Up. Use in moderation if giving to your little ones!
SHARON - 1. Rub one raw garlic clove on toast at the first sign of a cold. While this won’t make you the most popular person at home, it will stop any bug in its tracks!
2. Have a hot bath with the 2-3 tablespoons of the following mix: 1 cup of Epsom salts, 3 drops each of lavender, eucalyptus and peppermint oil (well blended in a non-reactive dish) and stored in an airtight container. This bath is great for clearing stuffy noses and relaxing the body, so try to go to bed immediately after and let the heat of the bath and the oils do their job on your sinuses.
KIM - 1. Asian Pear with Honey - steam one Asian (Nashi) pear with 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of thinly sliced ginger for 20-25 minutes and eat. 2. Foot massage!
KENNIE - Drink a lot of water and sleep!
LIVIA - For headaches and migraines, try Young Living’s M-Grain essential oil rubbed onto the temples and dab under your nose. https://www.youngliving.com/en_HK/products/m-grain-essential-oil
TEETEE - Drink hot water with preserved kumquats for sore throats.
AMMIE - Have a hot bath or do a steam tent with Vicks to clear your sinuses. Drink soups and hot drinks - tomato soup and hot chocolate are my favourites! Put lavender oil on your pillow to help you sleep.
CHRISTINE - Plenty of water, sometimes with a bit of honey. Essential oils and Baby Vicks on the soles of the feet for stuffy noses before bed.
CELINE - Because I can’t cook, I just drink more water. Warm water, or water with honey in.
IRIS - Have a hot shower and sleep straight away. I also go for gentle massages when I feel run down.
What are your remedies when the bug strikes?
Mighty Oaks Club’s October event focuses on Chinese preventative medicine/soups 101 for your little ones. With the flu season and winter upon us, learn how to make nutritional and medicinal soups and teas for your children in this popular seminar. Renowned author of a best-selling book series “Chinese Healing Soups 1 & 2”, Cinci Leung (Cinci EC) shares her insights and knowledge of how simple adjustments in your daily diet can help maintain your health.
Cinci is a registered Chinese medicine practitioner in Hong Kong and the founder of CheckCheckCin, and is a graduate from Pepperdine University (BA in Business Administration), the University of Hong Kong (BA in Chinese Medicine) as well as the Chinese University of Hong Kong (MSc in Acupuncture).
Date: Saturday, 21 October 2017
Time: 1:30pm – 3:00pm
Fees: $150 / person
Language: Cantonese
*First 30 people to sign up will receive @Cinci EC’s latest book “Chinese Healing Soups 3”
If you’re interested in more exciting sensory activities to do with your child at home, subscribe to Hong Kong Kindergarten: Mighty Oaks idea of the month Youtube channel.
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➡【 Sign up for Acorn Trial Class now!/Acorn 試堂優惠】