Experience Bloom Day" open day
Saturday, November 5, 2022
Our affiliated primary school Bloom KKCA Academy will hold an " Experience Bloom Day" open day on November 5th (Saturday) with lots of fun activities for kids. Activities will include robotics, 3D printing, entrepreneurship workshops, sewing, stop-motion animation, cooking, forest school, and more! Sign up now at: https://admissions.bloom.edu.hk/experience-bloom-day-2022
Choosing a school for your little one can be intensely stressful for parents. No fear, our Hong Kong Kindergarten specialist is here to help provide you with a checklist of items to look for when you go to a school open day, and guide you through common questions you should be considering. Click to learn more!
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➡【 Sign up for Acorn Trial Class now!/Acorn 試堂優惠】
Choosing a school for your little one can be intensely stressful for parents. No fear, our Hong Kong Kindergarten specialist is here to help provide you with a checklist of items to look for when you go to a school open day, and guide you through common questions you should be considering. Click to learn more!
➡【Join our Mighty Oaks family!/ 快來加入奧恩大家庭】
➡【 Sign up for Acorn Trial Class now!/Acorn 試堂優惠】