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How to choose the right kindergarten for your child
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Choosing a kindergarten for your little one can be daunting for first time parents, especially given the wide array of local and international kindergartens in Hong Kong. There is almost too much choice, which can overwhelm decision-making and feel extremely time-consuming. But there are ways to prepare yourself for reaching this important decision, and we’re here to offer our tips.

Fortunately nowadays most kindergartens in Hong Kong are very accessible, having their own websites and information booklets and are ready to welcome parents who may want to tour the school first.
Firstly, parents should decide what type of early education they would like for their child. This will ultimately depends on your personal philosophy and tolerance for flexibility. Some parents may want to get their child into an academic kindergarten which focuses on teaching reading, writing and numeracy skills at an early age. Others may prefer a more child-centred approach; one which focuses on individual learning styles, such as Reggio Emilia schools. The latter tends to focus more on "whole child" development through structured play and building social skills.
Many educational academics advocate learning through play in the early years, because research indicates that children who learn in this way are essentially happier and more successful, and that they are more likely to develop the skills they need.
Secondly, parents will need to consider what type of language education they would prefer, whether English or Chinese, bilingual or even trilingual education. For this, it is essential to find out how many hours of English or Putonghua are used in classes during a typical week and what kinds of activities are carried out in each language.
Thirdly, parents should consider the breadth of the school’s curriculum. Do you want your child to learn subjects like art, STEM (science, technology, engineering and math), drama, music and movement, etc? Additionally, physical education is often seen as being important in a crowded environment like Hong Kong, so look at the level and quality of the school’s facilities for physical education.
Another thing to consider is student-teacher ratio, which is vital for safety and optimum learning at this age. The Hong Kong government advises schools to have a ratio of 1 teacher to 11 students maximum, so look at how many teachers are employed for each class. Also explore the actual size of classrooms and the quality and accessibility of resources within them. The availability of up-to-date technology should be another consideration. Check what kind of exposure children will have to technology and the types of computers or tablets available.

Questions to consider and ask
Try to arrange a personal visit during the day so you can see classes in action. As you explore, ask yourself if it has an open and welcoming atmosphere. Are the children happy, and do they treat each other with respect? Are they actively engaged in activities? Do the teachers care for the children and positively interact with them? Are there colourful, interesting displays on the walls?
Ask about parental engagement and involvement and what expectations are made of parents. Some kindergartens encourage parents help regularly for activities such as story-telling or field trips, while others prefer to keep parents at arm's length. Think about what level of participation you are willing to invest in a school. Also ask about the admissions criteria and process, and what kinds of fees are required.
Visiting a school will give parents a good idea as to whether it is the right place for their child. Speaking to other parents could be useful, but remember they may have different expectations. No kindergarten is perfect. But the ethos and approach to learning are paramount to your child's happiness and education.

For more information about Mighty Oaks’ bilingual and trilingual AM & PM sessions, please call +852 2806 8383 or email: info@mightyoaks.edu.hk to arrange a school visit. At Mighty Oaks , our school motto is "Where lifelong learning meets character development". Sign up to our Mighty Oaks Club and download your free copy of our book "50 Interview Questions" to consider for school interviews.

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