Idea of the month: Moon sand
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Mighty Oaks presents "Idea of the Month", where our teachers record a step-by-step instructional video for an activity you can do at home with your child. This month is the moldable, squishable and malleable moon sand! Children learn creativity when they invent games and stories with sensory materials by creating sculptures and forms with moon sand. They also get to explore patterns and spaces using by using different tools. By combining and measuring different ingredients and following step to step instructions to create the moon sand, children also learn basic concepts of science and math. Watch the video to find out what you can do with moon sand.
If you’re interested in more exciting sensory activities to do with your child at home, subscribe to Hong Kong Kindergarten: Mighty Oaks idea of the month Youtube channel
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If you’re interested in more exciting sensory activities to do with your child at home, subscribe to Hong Kong Kindergarten: Mighty Oaks idea of the month Youtube channel
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