In honour of 2018 World Kindness Day
Thursday, November 15, 2018
In honour of World Kindness Day, we present our Acorns of Kindness who created Boxes of Hope for underprivileged children in third world countries. Thank you all who participated and we feel truly grateful for their acts of kindness. If you are interested in learning more about this good cause, please visit: Box of Hope.
➡【Join our Mighty Oaks family in 2019-2020! / 奧恩正為2019–2020年度招生】
➡【Acorn Playgroup Trial Class/Acorn親子班試堂優惠】
➡【Join our Mighty Oaks family in 2019-2020! / 奧恩正為2019–2020年度招生】
➡【Acorn Playgroup Trial Class/Acorn親子班試堂優惠】