Let's celebrate dragon boat festival with Ms. Nana!
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
端午節快樂! 各位小朋友你吃糭子了嗎⁉️ 吃完糭子,我們跟着Miss Nana用鐵罐打鼓, 扮演賽龍船比賽,慶祝端午節! 最近天氣炎熱! 各位小朋友要記得多喝水,不要中暑唷!
Research suggests listening to and experiencing music stimulates the fetus' brain and assists with the growth of brain structures. Find out why our Hong Kong Kindergarten experts decided to adapt Orff Music in our curriculum and why music education is so important for young minds.
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Research suggests listening to and experiencing music stimulates the fetus' brain and assists with the growth of brain structures. Find out why our Hong Kong Kindergarten experts decided to adapt Orff Music in our curriculum and why music education is so important for young minds.
➡【Join our Mighty Oaks family!/ 快來加入奧恩大家庭】
➡【 Sign up for Acorn Trial Class now!/Acorn 試堂優惠】