Mighty Oaks 2018 July Monthly Giveaway: IT'S PLASTIC FREE JULY!
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Plastic Free July is a month-long global campaign that encourages more than 2 million participants to dramatically reduce plastic use and improve recycling. As we are a green school, we encourage you to replace your plastic-free water bottle with a glass one from Lifefactory Asia! We got you sorted with a special Mighty Oaks Club discount! Join our community now!
Terms and Conditions:
1. This offer will end on August 1st, 2018.
2. The school reserves the right to make the final decision
Plastic Free July是整個7月分的全球活動,鼓勵超過200萬參與者大幅減少塑料用量並支持環保。 由於奧恩是一所綠色學校, Lifefactory Asia特別為我們奧恩親子天地的會員提供獨享折扣。立即加入奧恩親子天地啦!
1. 是次活動將會2018年8月1日完結。
2. 奧恩保留最後決定權。
Terms and Conditions:
1. This offer will end on August 1st, 2018.
2. The school reserves the right to make the final decision
Plastic Free July是整個7月分的全球活動,鼓勵超過200萬參與者大幅減少塑料用量並支持環保。 由於奧恩是一所綠色學校, Lifefactory Asia特別為我們奧恩親子天地的會員提供獨享折扣。立即加入奧恩親子天地啦!
1. 是次活動將會2018年8月1日完結。
2. 奧恩保留最後決定權。