Mighty Oaks Monthly Giveaway(June): Enjoy a free Sensory Acorn trial class on us!
Saturday, September 1, 2018
Join our Sensory Acorn Class, designed to engage and stimulate babies' 5 senses in a fun, integrated and interactive way, enabling babies to reach their developmental potential. Our 60-minute, bi-lingual classes are small and intimate with sizes of 8 babies and parents to have fun in sensory experience.
Why is sensory training important?
DEVELOPS KEY SKILLS:Your child will be able to interact with other babies, enabling them to learn important social and personal skills and gain self-confidence.
STIMULATES DEVELOPMENT : Parents can learn how to stimulate and increase the development of their children’s psychomotor and vestibular skills. Babies’ physical, cognitive, multi-lingual and musical abilities will be enhanced over the course of the sensory classes.
STRENGTHENS BONDING:Parent and baby are led through a variety of integrated sensory activities designed to have a better understanding in each stage of child development.
Terms and conditions:
1. The offer ends on September1, 2018. The date and time of Sensory Acorn trial class will be fixed by the school.
2. The school reserves the right to make the final decision
Why is sensory training important?
DEVELOPS KEY SKILLS:Your child will be able to interact with other babies, enabling them to learn important social and personal skills and gain self-confidence.
STIMULATES DEVELOPMENT : Parents can learn how to stimulate and increase the development of their children’s psychomotor and vestibular skills. Babies’ physical, cognitive, multi-lingual and musical abilities will be enhanced over the course of the sensory classes.
STRENGTHENS BONDING:Parent and baby are led through a variety of integrated sensory activities designed to have a better understanding in each stage of child development.
Terms and conditions:
1. The offer ends on September1, 2018. The date and time of Sensory Acorn trial class will be fixed by the school.
2. The school reserves the right to make the final decision