Parenting tip series: Why do 2-year-olds like to walk backwards? Are they testing your limits?
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Contrary to popular belief that this is a child being "naughty," walking backwards is an excellent sign for parents! Why? Because it shows your children trust you! They cannot see where they are going, but because you are there, they trust you enough to experiment.
This is also a milestone for your child's gross motor skills development (use of large muscles in the legs and arms). Encourage them to do it more in a safe environment to improve their balance, spatial orientation, and ultimately, brain development. This will affect how well they play sports in the future!
Mighty Oaks International Nursery and Kindergarten believes in age-appropriate, scientifically-proven, and child-oriented teaching methods. Come learn more from our professional team.
With Thanksgiving upon us, our Hong Kong Kindergarten Specialist discusses what are some dos and donts when parents are showing our children why it’s important to feel and show gratitude.
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This is also a milestone for your child's gross motor skills development (use of large muscles in the legs and arms). Encourage them to do it more in a safe environment to improve their balance, spatial orientation, and ultimately, brain development. This will affect how well they play sports in the future!
Mighty Oaks International Nursery and Kindergarten believes in age-appropriate, scientifically-proven, and child-oriented teaching methods. Come learn more from our professional team.
With Thanksgiving upon us, our Hong Kong Kindergarten Specialist discusses what are some dos and donts when parents are showing our children why it’s important to feel and show gratitude.
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