The Community Chest Dress Casual Day
Friday, November 13, 2020
To support those in need in Hong Kong and raise fund for the Community Chest of Hong Kong, Mighty Oaks participated in Dress Casual Day. Being Acorns of Kindness, our students loved coming to school in their favourite outfits.
It is now an undeniable fact that climate change is happening on a vast scale globally, and it is imperative for me, being both a mother and an Hong Kong playgroup educator, to ensure that I teach my children and the ones I teach to take care of their environment. How does one go about teaching these values to such young children? Read more to find out!
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It is now an undeniable fact that climate change is happening on a vast scale globally, and it is imperative for me, being both a mother and an Hong Kong playgroup educator, to ensure that I teach my children and the ones I teach to take care of their environment. How does one go about teaching these values to such young children? Read more to find out!
➡【Join our Mighty Oaks family!/ 快來加入奧恩大家庭】
➡【 Sign up for Acorn Trial Class now!/Acorn 試堂優惠】