Mighty Oaks Nursery and Kindergarten Mighty Oaks Playgroup
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The Importance of Playgroup Etiquette
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Playgroups are a popular way of socialising your little one as a first introduction to school. They're a great place to make friends (for you and the kids) and usually, a much-needed change in your little one’s daily routine. If you join one, it’s wise to ask the teachers what the schedule of the group will be, if snacks are included and what the class rules are. We’ve put together a short guide to etiquette to help you navigate your new playgroup!

Be Committed
When joining a playgroup, please attend as often as possible. Allow the children to associate the day as 'Playgroup Day' as you will soon find out that they will look forward to playing with their friends on that day. Since most playgroups take place on the same day of the week we suggest that you schedule other appointments around this day so you don't run into any challenges while trying to attend.

Get Involved
Keep in mind that playgroup is for both children and their parents/caregiver. Don’t use the playgroup as a babysitting service as your attendance is essential. Watch your child closely while having a nice conversation with another member. Put the phone away! Not only is it a distraction, preventing you from paying close attention to your child, most playgroups will not allow pictures to be taken for security reasons. Class teachers will use cameras to document your child’s learning journey, so just enjoy watching them develop before you.

Reach Out
Introduce yourself! Remember, playgroup parents have a lot in common. Once you begin to get to know the other parents you will be surprised at how easy conversations will flow and how much in common you have with others. A successful playgroup depends on the effort of its members.

Bad Behaviour
If your child is misbehaving, don’t ignore the bad behaviour. Members are responsible for their own children and monitoring their behaviour. Any aggressive behaviour is discouraged. Work together to help curb bad habits and don't be surprised if every child has a bad day from time to time. If your child is really misbehaving, give them proper warnings and leave the playgroup if your warnings are not heeded. Join up with playgroup next time and try again.

Skip It
If your child is not feeling well, skip the playgroup until the following week or when he/she is feeling better. Many parents are understandably concerned about little ones catching colds from others and they won't appreciate the unnecessary spreading of germs. If you or your child is sick and your symptoms are contagious, please keep the germs at home. Especially if anyone has had a fever in the last 24-48 hours.

Mighty Oaks has a number of different playgroup classes for your little one, ranging from ages 8 months to 24 months. If you’re interested in attending one of Hong Kong Top Playgroup classes,
join a trial class and see what we’re all about!
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